Pregnancy and Maternal Child Services

Taking Care of Baby and Me®​

Taking Care of Baby and Me® is a comprehensive proactive case management and care coordination program for all expectant mothers and their newborns. All identified pregnant patients are automatically included in the program. It offers:

  • Individualized, one-on-one case management support for women at the highest risk.
  • Care coordination for moms who may need a little extra support.
  • Educational materials and information on community resources.
  • Incentives to help keep up with prenatal exams, postpartum checkups and well-child visits after the baby is born.

This program helps us to identify and support pregnant women as early in their pregnancies as possible. Once pregnant members are identified, we act quickly to assess any obstetrical risk and ensure appropriate levels of care and case management services to mitigate risk. 

If you would like more information about Taking Care of Baby and Me® or have a patient who would benefit from OB case management, please call Provider Services:

Provider Services Phone

Hours: Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.



Amerigroup Community Care encourages providers to complete the Maternity form in Availity:
  • Perform an Eligibility and Benefits (E&B) request on the desired member.
  • Choose one of the following benefit service types: maternity, obstetrical, gynecological, or obstetrical/gynecological.
  • Before the benefit results screen, you will be asked if the member is pregnant. Choose “Yes”, if applicable. If you indicate “Yes” you may provide the estimated due date, if it is known, or leave it blank if the due date is unknown.
  • After submitting your answer, the E&B will display. If the member was identified as pregnant, a Maternity form will now be available. You may access the form by navigating to the “Applications” tab and selecting the “Maternity” link.

Substance use disorders in pregnancy and neonatal abstinence syndrome

Substance use disorders (SUDs) are on the rise and are of particular concern in women of childbearing age who are or may become pregnant. OB providers have a unique opportunity to help break the pattern of opioid misuse, thus, avoiding health consequences for both mother and child. The important steps in this practice are to identify treat, and/or refer to treatment women who are using/abusing unhealthy substances. Amerigroup is here to support providers, pregnant members and their little ones on the way. 

If you would like more information about the OB Case Management program or have a patient who would benefit from care management, call Provider Services at 1-800-454-3730, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Care Management Program

The NICU Care Management program is committed to ensuring that all of our high risk infants have a well-defined plan for quality and cost effective NICU care and a safe and successful transition to the home environment. We provide a seamless, integrated approach, including early identification of members for NICU Care Management referral, enrollment, engagement and continued oversight through case closure. 

Our program encourages parent/caregiver involvement in their infant’s care while hospitalized in the NICU. We focus on parents of infants expected to be in the hospital greater than two weeks who were born at 34 or fewer weeks gestation, born weighing 2000 grams or less, born with major congenital anomalies, require ventilator care, or require major surgery. We provide education and support designed to help them cope with the day-to-day stress of having a baby in the NICU, encourage them to stay involved in the care of their babies and help them prepare themselves and their homes for discharge.

The stress of having a critically ill infant in the NICU can potentially result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms among parents and loved ones. In an effort to reduce the impact of PTSD among our members, we assist by:

  • Guiding parent(s) into hospital-based support programs, if available, as well as to target support services and referrals to providers 
  • Screening parent(s) for PTSD approximately one month after the date of birth 
  • Referring parent(s) to behavioral health program resources, if indicated
  • Reconnecting with families with a one-month follow-up call to assess if the parent(s) received benefit from initial contact and PTSD awareness 

If you would like more information about the NICU Care Management program or have a patient who would benefit, please call us at 1-800-454-3730, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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Provider tools & resources

Interested in becoming a provider in the Amerigroup network?

We look forward to working with you to provide quality services to our members.